奋斗创造价值 助力中国创造
Strive for value creation
Contribute to China Innovation
Strive for value creation Contribute to China Innovation
We value the value creation as the core, our foundation for development is driven by technology innovation, taking part in industrial ecology constructing , promoting industrial innovation and technology upgrade. Contribute to the process of from “made in China” to “created in China”. Ensure that all the people share the fruits of the development.
推动低碳发展 拥抱绿色未来
Promoting low-carbon development
Embracing a greener future
Promoting low-carbon development Embracing a greener future
Leader in fulfilling of social responsibilities, actively involved in global climate governance and action in “carbon peak” and “carbon neutrality”, press ahead the industrial’s green transformation.
聚力社会公益 传递爱与希望
Adhesion social welfare
Open out love and hope
Adhesion social welfare Open out love and hope
We have established “Earth charity foundation” , adhesion love and strength from people of all walks of life, actively participate in educational aiding for the rural areas , targeted poverty alleviation task, contribute to their economic developments.
心系社会 为爱前行
Earth charity foundation
Socially minded Moved by love
Earth charity foundation, a new way to fulfilling social responsibility, a platform to contribute back to the society. Earth charity foundation holds the public spirit and community welfare. Operating on professional, high efficiency and transparency method, devoting in educational aiding and targeted poverty alleviation, contribute to the economy developments, gather love and build a harmonious society. Foundation holds the welfare of the next generation firmly , caring for rural teachers as priority, service educational guidelines, according to the characteristics of social development at the present stage especially targeting of those disadvantaged children of Guizhou province, caring and encouraging their growth development .emphasized on the development of rural areas and ethnic minority areas . Aiming for the most influential charity brand, strive to be one of the best charity foundation nationally.
The Dadi Public Welfare Foundation unites and gathers the strengths of various social organizations and all aspects to jointly participate in and care for the education and charity work, and promote the development of education in Guizhou Province; the foundation aims to carry out regular provincial education and teaching assistance through social advocacy , public welfare activities to improve school conditions, support pre-school education, out-of-school education and vocational education in Guizhou Province, cooperate with the government to promote the scientific development of education for the next generation in Guizhou Province, and make due contributions to the construction of a lifelong education system and a learning society .
The foundation firmly grasps the direction of caring for the next generation, caring for rural teachers, and serving education, aiming at the current social development characteristics and educational reform and development needs of the country, especially Guizhou Province, to care for the growth of special and vulnerable groups in children and encourage, care Rural teachers are the focus, focusing on the development of education in rural areas and ethnic areas. Create a well-known charitable love card across the country, form a charitable brand with national influence, and strive to become one of the best public welfare foundations in the country.
Charity activities
Dreams come true
For six consecutive years , to fulfil wishes for rural teachers, computers, books, music instruments, sports equipment, desks and chairs, school uniforms, sheets and blankets were donated , activity centres built for the left-behind children, conditions of learning improved.
Extend warmth
“筑梦千里·情暖乌蒙”以实际行动支持贫困山区脱贫攻坚工作,为贫困家庭送上温暖,并走访了毕节市威宁县坪上村、金星村、营中村、高华村、大街村、兴隆村、大松村、杨柳村、牛吃水村等九个村的贫困家庭,为威宁县扶贫工作开展捐赠专项资金200万元用于扶持威宁县扶贫开发工作,解决生产生活方面存在的突出问题,扶持增收产业、移民搬迁和劳动力就业培训等项目。并为 15 户建档立卡贫困户捐赠30余万元现金以及崭新的家用电器、家具、床上用品、衣物和学习用品等物资。
Members of the foundation visited numerous of villages and families in need, 2-million-yuan fund was donated to help solve some major issues of living difficulties, supporting income increasing industries and employment training, of which 15 families received financial support of 300 thousand yuan and brand new appliances and furniture , clothes and stationery, their journey to be lifted out of poverty were recorded and documented every step of the way.
Family reunions
The family union program provides free travel for the eligible left-behind children from rural areas to reunite with their parents working away from home.
Caring for our teachers
Caring for teachers through providing living expenses support , reward offering, professional training , help prominent teachers of the rural areas resolve practical difficulties , encouraging teachers rooting at the front line, contribute to our country’s education sector, over a thousand teachers were organized further training in Zhejiang .
Disabled, Disadvantaged children’s support
Disabled and disadvantaged children are supported by their age group, individual supporting standards allocated, funds paid monthly for their education until graduation, up until now, four seasons of such support had been implemented .
Left-behind children’s service centers were built
“留守儿童幸福之家”围绕留守儿童关爱服务中心建设,积极营造留守儿童健康成长的良好环境,让爱持续温暖山乡,让童心不再流浪留守。目前已在安顺、息烽、兴义、威宁、毕节、福泉牛场、铜仁沿河等贵州 70 多个地区成立。
Left-behind children’s service centers were built over 70 various locations , creating better environment for growing children, life has love, heart has belonging no longer wandering.
电话:+852 2596 6966
地址:香港九龍觀塘海濱道123號綠景NEO大廈22 樓2203室